

My AOS Interview Experience - Tampa, FL

So, this was it! The final step for me to be able get a green card!

Date of Appointment:  March 2, 2017
Time of Appointment: 10:45 AM
Where:                          APPLICATION SUPPORT CENTER
                                      USCIS TAMPA
  Lobby B
                                      5629 Hoover Blvd
                                      Tampa FL, 33634

The beginning of a new day.
My husband and I woke up early to prepare for the interview. The night before, he was anxious and a little worried but on the other hand, I was excited. We were already on the road around 8:15 am. It was an hour drive and since we did not eat anything for breakfast, we got hungry along the way so we ordered at a Burger King drive thru, few minutes away to our destination.